Tuesday, September 23, 2008


I’ve decided to start a blog. I’m not a reader of blogs (more than likely that will soon change) and I don’t really consider myself internet savvy enough to just “start blogging.” But here I am with a blog; and it’s really for selfish reasons that I’m now doing this. I carpool. I carpool to work with two other individuals to do my part for the environment and to ultimately save money in gas and the wear and tear on my car. Maybe just for the purposes of this blog (and to justify the daily pain I endure… as you’ll soon read about) I’ll start keeping track of how much money I’m actually saving by carpooling. One of the two individuals I carpool with is friendly, has a great sense of humor, and can make the daily commute of 20 minutes, two times a day quite enjoyable. We’ll call this fellow “prisoner” Pat. The other is… well… a doofus. We’ll call this individual… Doofus.

Our place of employment is small enough that most others who work there are fully aware of Doofus’ potential to be a dimwit, a dork and just downright dumb. Many have expressed the opinion “that the price of gas couldn’t go high enough” for them to carpool with Doofus or have expressed sympathy with “I don’t know how you do it.” So the selfishness I refer to with this blog is that I will no longer need to be e-mailing multiple friends with “guess what happened today” or find myself spending excessive amounts of time hanging around the water cooler telling co-workers of “today’s ride to work with Doofus”... and an added benefit is that you as a reader get your daily dose of doofus as well.

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